Interested in learning more about the GaL program?

  • What is a GaL

    A Guardian ad Litem (GaL) is a community member who is trained to represent the interests of a child in court proceedings. While parents of children in care may have attorneys to represent them and the State has attorneys, it is the GaL volunteer who represents the interests of the child.

  • How to become a GaL

    To become a GaL you go through training with the Guardian ad Litem office. Training consists of a series of classroom sessions as well as time spent observing court proceedings. Once training is complete you will receive your first case.

  • What does a GaL do

    Once you receive your first case you will start to work to understand the child's needs. You are appointed by the court and will have access to all the information necessary to meet your objective. Your objective is to determine and ensure that the best interests of the child are being served.

  • Additional responsibilities for a GaL

    A few times a year you will create a report for the court to inform the court what is happening in the child's life. Your role with the court report is to ensure that the child's voice is being heard.

    Don't worry, you will receive plenty of guidance when you need it to prepare the report.

  • Still have questions

    The button below will take you to the North Carolina GaL website. Alternatively, you may call the district 22A GaL office at 704-832-6621.